Small waves, waterfalls and good friends.

So what do you do when there are no waves? Go jump waterfalls of course!

The surf here has been pretty small but despite that i have still had an amazing time, wether re-discovering my favourite method of transport, in the back of a pick up, or going for a hike into the hills surrounding El Tunco, El Salvador, all has been done with some amazing old friends from Nicaragua and some new ones I met on the street.


After my nightmare three days in the hostel from hell, I checked into another hostel called Layback, recommended by some Aussies in Popoyo, and lo and behold there was Marlissa who I had met twice before on my travels through Nicaragua.  A total free spirit travelling the world she instantly made me feel at home with a sunset beer and introduced me to the owner, Javier.

The surf was small so the next day Nadine, Marisa and I caught the Lupita, Jesus and Chelsea supporting, bus up into the hills surrounding El Tunco to Tamaniuqe.  


We got off where told and quickly hired the services of a 14 year old boy to guide us to the waterfalls and back.  Despite being up higher we were all sweating within minutes but fortunately down was the way and we soon emerged at the first waterfall where we all gladly jumped in were instantly refreshed by the cool mountain water.  This was the coldest I had been in over a month and it was difficult to leave the mesmeric rhythm of the cascading water.  I thought right now its time to go back, but no, there were five more and the last one, reached by a precipitous bum sliding descent, was simply beautiful.


This one was truly hard to leave, but the sound of more people arriving meant that we would no longer have the place to ourselves, 


Mark and Katerina, who helped me celebrate my birthday not too long ago, arrived that day and obviously a welcoming dinner was had and beers were sunk with stories exchanged and we retired for the night, but not before I bumped into another Brit, soon to be Aussie, Alexa who had just come down from Alaska and learning how to be a Helicopter Ski and Mountain Guide! 

What ensued was days of endless fun either chasing small waves, hanging out in hammocks, and countless dinners and beers with these wonderful people. (see header below for pictures of surf) 

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What I’ve noticed since my last ’travelling’ days back in 2002/3 is the amount of people who are either working remotely or even making money, at least able to move around cheaply, out of travelling and writing/blogging/vlogging.  It is the power of the internet and incredible to see how everyone is connected to the grid almost all the time.  Maybe Superstudio’s vision really is coming true.  


Perhaps I am homesick, now that I am halfway through my trip, or am I just jealous but I feel they are missing something.   A habitat where you feel ingrained within the fabric of that which surrounds you, a home.  I guess i’m just jealous then!


Mark and Katerina have now left but I’m trying to remain patient whilst I try and persuade Alexa that she really must visit Las Flores, and whilst waiting for the decision to be made we missed a lift down there with eh surfing Rabbi. However, I am just about learning to go with the flow, let things happen and ‘chill maan’. It was because of this that we met Diego who put us in touch with two Puerto Ricans and just like that we had a lift down to Las Flores, a hire car and two new, Spanish speaking, friends and we are off on a road trip.

Hasta Luego,


None of these stories would have been possible without good friends:

Alexa (

Marlissa (

Mark and Katerina (




After my last description of the spots I haven’t really moved, but I thought I would add this image I grabbed from Google Maps showing some of the spots and if that doesn’t persuade you to get on the next flight then hopefully the photos in my next report of the coming forecast will. 


I also thought you might like some photos/videos of me wiping out – enjoy.